About Us

Want to know more about your Luck, Wealth and Health redictions*?

Psychic power is a form of divination. I acquire this Psychic Power at the age of 6 years old. I always saw the Gods in my dream. When I was 18 years old, I started to use my Psychic Power to help people. I am a strong believer in the existence of God and He is always available when we need help. I have been giving Psychic Readings for 48 years. My clients who consulted me addressed me as Guru Amma. I believe my purpose in this life is to help people. Everyday I have many clients who are suffering because of financial problems, bad luck, illness. They feel lost and need guidance. I used my Psychic power with the help of my God. Many people like to know about many things that affect their lives. With divine guidance from God, you can have the answers to…

  • Am I lucky or unlucky now? If Unlucky, how can I clear my bad luck and be lucky again?
  • What is the cause of my bad luck?
  • How and when can I enjoy material wealth and financial success in life?
  • Can I recover my debts or can I advert bankcruptcy?
  • When can I marry? Will I end up in divorce?
  • How can I have children?
  • Is the man or woman I like compatible with me?
  • Can I start a business on my own & when?
  • Do I have any hidden illness eg. Cancer, fibroid etc. etc?

Call 90681951 for an appointment with Guru Amma

Includes the following :
Personalized Reading for whole family. (Pls bring at least 5 Green Color Lime)
Special Prayers to help you overcome obstacles and embrace good luck for a duration of one year.


Want to know more about your luck, wealth and health Predictions ?

Consultation Fee is $200 per Family .

Guruamma is one of the most generous, kind and caring person i've ever met. She has always been on point in her astrology services and she never fails to amaze me and my family with her selfless nature.

She is 100% trustworthy and i would truly recommend those who are going through downfalls in life to seek her services as she will find a solution to almost all yr problems and solve them !Her happiness lies in seeing everyone around her happy and that's what makes her a wonderful person!

Thank you for being a living goddess guruamma. Love you so much! May God bless you and yr family always dearest guruamma!
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25 Feb 2019 21:23:51
Product & Services

Free Consultation / Blessing Session (Only for Hospital Visiting) - 11.00am to 6.00pm

Free Call Services - Blessing & Prayers for Patients (with various illness)

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